Securing Society 5.0

Introducing Society 5.0

Self-help authors and politicians seem to agree on at least one thing: mindset matters. The shelves of bookstores worldwide are awash with motivational books...
Securing Society 5.0 Introduction
A term first coined by the Japanese government, “Society 5.0” describes "A human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems...
5G Cybersecurity Safety
Neil Harbisson calls himself a cyborg. Without the antenna implanted in his skull, he would not be able to see colour of any kind....
Smart Home Wireless Connectivity
In a recent session on smart building cybersecurity, a student cheekily asked me "How did we ever connect anything before 5G?" At that moment...
5G Security Privacy
Don’t let the “5G” in the title confuse you. This post is not only about the telcos’ core networks, but about the 5G security...
Smart City 5G Privacy
More than half of the world’s population lives in cities. The UN estimates that by 2050 that proportion will be 68% - more than...
Cybersecurity IoT 5G Cyber-Kinetic Risks
Getting smart about security in smart systems Smart used to be something we called people or pets. It wasn't a term one would use to...
IoT Cybersecurity Framework Government
The human brain is programmed to keep us safe and secure. Yes, we are separated from the rest of the animal kingdom by our...
As IoT adoption continues to proliferate, manufactures and adopters are increasingly aware of cybersecurity risks to IoT. Yet, even among the IoT security professionals,...
IoT Bomb Stuxnet
While Stuxnet is gone, the world now knows what can be accomplished through cyber-kinetic attacks. As we approach the 10th anniversary of when Stuxnet was...
As our cities, our transportation, our energy and manufacturing – our everything – increasingly embrace Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Controls Systems (ICS),...
The attacker stepped out from behind a hedge in the upper-class suburban neighborhood, being careful to stay in the shadows. Across the street, the...
Maritime Cyber-Kinetic
The maritime industry faces a not-so-distant future when ships will be completely autonomous, using navigation data that they receive to plot their own courses...
Stuxnet Cyber-Physical Weapon
Stuxnet was the first true cyber-kinetic weapon, designed to cripple the Iranian – and perhaps also the North Korean – nuclear weapon programs. It...
Maritime Cybersecurity
The open seas have long attracted those who yearned for adventure. The risk of pitting oneself against a vast and unforgiving sea has tested...